NAHSP Blog Post #1
The project team is well underway on the 2021 NAHSP and AEIS. The first Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting was held in January 2021 to introduce the study and gain a better understanding of the trends affecting the aviation industry in the State of Nevada. When asked “What does Aviation in Nevada Mean to You?” responses were in the theme of opportunity and development.
The project team recently launched the data collection effort for both the NAHSP and AEIS. Travel restrictions and social distancing guidelines with respect to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic are impacting the team’s ability to safely conduct in-person site visits. Instead our team is conducting virtual video visits with more than 50 airport representatives. The information obtained through the visits and completion of the Data Collection Forms is invaluable to the NAHSP and AEIS. We appreciate the airports’ input and assistance with the data necessary to conduct the analysis.
Beyond Data Collection Forms, the AEIS requires additional information from businesses and organizations that are located on and/or rely on airports. If your business or organization is located on an airport and/or relies on one or more of Nevada’s airports, and you have not yet received a survey, please click here and complete the survey!
Please keep checking the website for draft chapters and more information on the study’s progress.